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GM Collection

November,21 2010 - 


Visiting a fabulous GM car collection!I was asked by a friend if I would like to go to view a 'private car collection..' Of course I said 'Yes.'On Monday I met him and rode to the destination along with another person. I did not know what I was in store for and therefore went with an open mind to see the cars. When we arrived, I should have taken a clue by the fact that the collection wasHoused in a rather large warehouse. We walked in and were greeted by one of the latest acquisitions:

Picture comments:

This beautiful 1957 Bel Air, which will soon have a tube chassis and a new motor installed. The next thing I saw was a whole room full of Corvettes,Old Chevrolets and various other General Motors vehicles. I mean talk about being in heaven - WOW.I will just let you look and realize that the pictures do not do justice to this collection: Of course there was memorabilia everywhere: I have to say as I walked through the cars I saw a red object that caught my eye.


Upon further investigation it was the 'Miss Budweiser'Unlimited hydroplane along with the trailer and hauler: This is the Number 1 hull..As I walked along there were cars that brought back many memories. I happen to love 1963 Chevys and this was a beautiful example:In talking to the owner he told me that he 'wanted to get cars with the big motors,Available from dealers and stick shifts.'This Camaro was something I had never seen and I guessThere were only 69 produced and all were spoken for in advance:As we were leaving I noticed a white mid-year with a newer Z06 badgeOn the front fender and a C5 Logo on the front fascia
This was a 'very fun car to drive' I was told. There are a few 'gems' like this along with many originals.Who could ask for anything more?. It is people like this that keep the hobby alive and well. By the way, I was told that all the vehicles are taken out and driven every few months. I asked if they needed any help and was given a rather large grin.Whoever said 'You can't get enough of a good thing' must have been talkingAbout the car collection of Rick Treworgy. I went there one time and wanted to return before I left the parking lot. I called and asked if perhaps I could bring a few members of theCorvette Club of Orlando" target=_blank<http://www.corvettecluboforlando.com/> down on a Saturday to see the 'toys.' I got a 'yes' and made arrangements for another adventure.The club met outside of Orlando and headed south so Jackie & I could meetUp with them along the way. We got to the rendezvous' point and only waited a few minutes for the others to arrive. It was then off with us in the lead and we headed down the road. We arrived to see Rick's newest acquisition, this beautiful 1958 Impala convertible:This is the man himself, showing his hospitality to all:As you know from my previous story,I was really impressed with the U-1 Miss Budweiser hydroplane. I found out that if the motor was still in it, the Budweiser decals would have to be removed: Rick also had to agree that he would never race it or allow any other hullsTo be made from this prototype. Everyone was amazed when they looked out the door and saw another Miss Budweiser show up. This one I understand will be powered perhaps by the time you read this. How cool is that!
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